International ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN: 2313-626X Frequency: 12 |
Volume 10, Issue 1 (January 2023), Pages: 84-91 ---------------------------------------------- Original Research Paper Effect of the millennial 2.0 entrepreneurship program on the technological innovation capacity of the students at the Universidad Nacional de Cañete Author(s): Segundo Ríos-Ríos *, Filiberto Ochoa-Paredes, Yrene Uribe-Hernández, Hugo Moran-Requena, Daysi Pacheco-Sánchez Affiliation(s): Economics Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Cañete, San Vicente de Cañete, Peru * Corresponding Author. Corresponding author's ORCID profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1202-5523 Digital Object Identifier: https://doi.org/10.21833/ijaas.2023.01.012 Abstract: It is proposed to demonstrate that the millennial 2.0 program significantly influences the technological innovation of the students of the Universidad Nacional de Cañete. It is evidenced that the lack of technical training in the millennial 2.0 entrepreneurship program prevents students from raising awareness, while the application of a test highly motivates the students of the same program, demonstrating that the training significantly influences the program. MSEs that apply strategic planning improve their financial management and have greater control of their resources and an acceptable development in the market where they operate. Technological innovation and constant training in the millennial 2.0 program produce a greater acceptance of the innovation that is given to students and future professionals in such a way that a greater adaptation in technology and student innovation is achieved in universities, this program is directly proportional to technological innovation because the more training on this program, the greater will be their acceptance and motivation to accept the new changes. The present study has a quantitative approach, for this, the survey technique was used and the virtual multifactorial questionnaire was used as an instrument, carried out on 120 students from the university of Cañete of the school of administration, accounting and administration of tourism and hospitality, which consist of four dimensions for each variable. It was obtained from this research article that in millennial entrepreneurship 2.0 the training helped to raise awareness among the students of the University of Cañete by 70% under the positive effect of the millennial 2.0 program, resulting in an increase of 27.5 % above the average acceptance level, in terms of university technological innovation, the interest of students rises up to 75.0% while the impact on teachers reaches 72.5% after receiving technological innovation training. © 2022 The Authors. Published by IASE. This is an Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Technological innovation, University students, Innovation capacity, Entrepreneurial teachers Article History: Received 26 May 2022, Received in revised form 17 August 2022, Accepted 27 September 2022 Acknowledgment No Acknowledgment. Compliance with ethical standards Conflict of interest: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Citation: Ríos-Ríos S, Ochoa-Paredes F, Uribe-Hernández Y, Moran-Requena H, and Pacheco-Sánchez D (2023). Effect of the millennial 2.0 entrepreneurship program on the technological innovation capacity of the students at the Universidad Nacional de Cañete. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 10(1): 84-91 Figures No Figure Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 ---------------------------------------------- References (16)