Volume 4, Issue 11 (November 2017), Pages: 110-115

Original Research Paper
Title: Phytochemical screening and toxicity testing of Atuna racemosa Rafin. chrysobalanaceae shell and seed extracts
Author(s): Jinebeth M. Pacaňa 1, Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe 2, *
1Chemistry Department (BS Chemistry), University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (formerly Mindanao University of Science and Technology), Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
2Physics Department, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (formerly Mindanao University of Science and Technology), Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
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This research evaluated the phytochemical profile and toxicological properties of the aqueous, ethyl acetate, methanol, and decocted extracts of the shell and seed of Atuna racemosa Rafin. Chrysobalanaceae (tabon-tabon). The phytochemical screening was qualitatively tested while Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay (BSLA) was employed for toxicity testing of the extracts. Phytochemical screening of A. racemosa extracts resulted in the detection of the presence of alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and terpenoids. The A. racemosa shell and seed extracts induced medium to highly toxic activity to brine shrimp nauplii at LC50 values of 268.605 µg/mL (aqueous shell) 165.195 µg/mL (aqueous seed), 277.9 µg/mL (ethyl acetate shell), 419.919 µg/mL (ethyl acetate seed), 116.032 µg/mL (methanol shell), 92.0427 µg/mL (methanol seed), 482.78 µg/mL (decoction shell), and 121.111 µg/mL (decoction seed), respectively. Ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of A. racemosa seed showed good toxicological properties. Further investigation is needed to determine the bioactive components present in these extracts.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by IASE.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Atuna racemosa, Phytochemical, Lethality assay, Extracts
Article History: Received 2 February 2017, Received in revised form 8 September 2017, Accepted 11 September 2017
Digital Object Identifier:
Pacaňa JM and Galarpe VRKR (2017). Phytochemical screening and toxicity testing of Atuna racemosa Rafin. chrysobalanaceae shell and seed extracts. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(11): 110-115
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