International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences
Int. j. adv. appl. sci.
EISSN: 2313-3724
Print ISSN: 2313-626X
Volume 3, Issue 9 (September 2016), Pages: 44-50
Title: Language quotient (LQ): new models of language learning
Author(s): Mohammed Ilyas *
Department of English, College of Science and Humanities, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
This paper is an outcome of a research carried out initially to measure level of linguistic competence of learners in an ESP situation, engineering students, to be specific, where the variety of contexts needed different learning strategies to get the required learning outcomes. The linguistic competence was determined by calculating Language Quotient (LQ), after Eysenck’s method of finding the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) The LQ helped the researcher to find out whether the linguistic competence of a learner is either advanced or retarded, good, average or below average. Encouraged by the findings, the researcher recently carried out several subtests, supplemental tests and associative tasks in various testing areas at all levels like reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, syntactic and morphological structures and phonological processing. This research paper shares a few of these strategies to determine how LQ method of assessing linguistic competence can be particularly useful in large classrooms and with learners belonging to heterogeneous groups and even in a foreign language environment.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by IASE.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keywords: Language quotient, Psychological tests, New models
Article History: Received 15 June 2016, Received in revised form 26 August 2016, Accepted 19 September 2016
Digital Object Identifier:
Ilyas M (2016). Language quotient (LQ): new models of language learning. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9): 44-50
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