International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences

Int. j. adv. appl. sci.

EISSN: 2313-3724

Print ISSN: 2313-626X

Volume 3, Issue 10  (October 2016), Pages:  57-63

Title: Psychometric properties of SDHQ-53, the Persian version of social development and health questionnaire within Iranian samples

Author(s):  Ali Ismaeli 1, Abdolrahim Asadollahi 2, 3, *


1University of Applied Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2Australian Centre for Quality of Life, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

3Inst. of SDHP, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

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The modernity and social development is an important issue within developing societies like the Middle Eastern countries. The SDHQ-53 is self-constructed scale measuring tendency to health and social development upon Iranian-based society. Psychometric properties of SDHQ-53 across urban dwellers in the northwest Iran and discuss its role in the detection of quality of development. About 876 respondents (Mean= 36.3±3.71) were sampled from the eight municipal zones in Tabriz city and replied to SDHQ-53. External and criterion validity was calculated by correlation to the four questionnaires. The SDHQ-53 includes 11 subscales: life satisfaction and health, fatalism, socio-cultural alienation, need for achievement, using media, innovation and creative personality, limited good, individualism, socio-economic participation, dependency, particularism. There was significant difference within sample groups regarding main variables (ρ<.05). The coefficients of Cronbach’s alpha (α=.89), convergent validity (.81), divergent validity (-.21), external validity with overall score of five external scales (Mean=.87), and criterion validity (.78) were estimated, which were significant at ρ<.01. The exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that the SDHQ-53 is organized into 11 factors, which clarifies 92 per cent of the scale’s variance. Second-order confirmatory factor analysis pointed out that the factor is well matched up onto a principal factor. Consequently, the 11-factors model was well appropriate for the data by the fit index techniques (AGFI=.88, GFI= .95, RMSEA=.002, IFI=.93, NFI= .96, CFI=.96). The results pointed to the well-adjusted reliability and psychometric properties of the SDHQ-53 and its usefulness for the relevant studies as well. 

© 2016 The Authors. Published by IASE.

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Keywords: Validity and reliability, SDHQ-53, Health and social development, Iran

Article History: Received 15 June 2016, Received in revised form 15 October 2016, Accepted 17 October 2016

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Ismaeli A and Asadollahi A (2016). Psychometric properties of SDHQ-53, the Persian version of social development and health questionnaire within Iranian samples. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(10): 57-63


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