International ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN: 2313-626X Frequency: 12 |
Volume 10, Issue 1 (January 2023), Pages: 138-143 ---------------------------------------------- Original Research Paper User interface modeling technique in the cloud environment Author(s): Sang Young Lee * Affiliation(s): Department of Health Administration, Namseoul University, Cheonan, South Korea * Corresponding Author. Corresponding author's ORCID profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8291-9402 Digital Object Identifier: https://doi.org/10.21833/ijaas.2023.01.018 Abstract: For designing a qualified user interface, there needs to be a graphic expert, requirement analyst, system designer, programmer, technical expertise, social activity scientist, and experts for each field. However, it is extremely difficult for these various experts to participate in such user interface design. This paper focused on design rules and modeling techniques of user interfaces that can support user availability. The visual cohesion of business events can be improved by modeling the prototype of the object-oriented user interface based on the object. The clustering method uses transaction objects and forms objects based on business event objects and task objects. We have studied it in detail so that a prototype of the user interface can be created. The significance and conclusions of this study are as follows. First, visual cohesion is improved by designing the object of functional, sequential, and communicative objects. Second, the object design rules of the user interface were created so that even an inexperienced designer could create a high-quality prototype. Third, it enhances the user's preference, ease, understanding, compliance rate, and quality of graphic layout by improving object-based visual cohesion. Fourth, functional, sequential, communicative, and procedural cohesion of business events is increased by the clustering of user interface objects. As a result, this paper is providing a modeling method of user interface technique in the cloud environment that could enhance the visual cohesion of user interface prototypes. © 2022 The Authors. Published by IASE. This is an Keywords: Modeling process, User interface, Cloud computing Article History: Received 23 December 2021, Received in revised form 21 August 2022, Accepted 29 September 2022 Acknowledgment Funding for this paper was provided by Namseoul University. Compliance with ethical standards Conflict of interest: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Citation: Lee SY (2023). User interface modeling technique in the cloud environment. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 10(1): 138-143 Figures Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Tables No Table ---------------------------------------------- References (12)