Volume 5, Issue 6 (June 2018), Pages: 98-106
Original Research Paper
Title: Analysis of international construction companies in the context of corporate codes of ethics: Example of Turkey
Author(s): İkbal Erbaş *
Faculty of Architecture, Akdeniz University, Turkey
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Determination of corporate codes of ethics is crucial for construction companies, but they usually fail to define their codes. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the guidance degree of ethical codes and being an international construction company in Turkey as a developing country. For this purpose in the scope of the study Turkish construction companies in “the Top 250 International Contractors in 2016” list of ENR (Engineering News Record) were analyzed in terms of guidance degree of corporate codes of ethics. The existence of the companies` ethical codes has been explored and the codes were evaluated in terms of their guidance degree. The study showed that there was not a relationship between the guidance degree of codes of ethics and being an international construction company. It is also found out that ethical codes were prepared to protect the interests of the company rather than to direct the employees to ethical behavior. Results of this study are expected to constitute a basis for the development of new ethical codes and to help the improvement of the existing codes. In order to be successful in ethical practices, ethical statements should be defined clearly and the ethical codes should be developed to direct employees to ethical behavior.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by IASE.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Ethics, Codes of ethics, Corporate codes of ethics, Construction, Turkey
Article History: Received 23 January 2018, Received in revised form 9 April 2018, Accepted 14 April 2018
Digital Object Identifier:
Erbaş İ (2018). Analysis of international construction companies in the context of corporate codes of ethics: Example of Turkey. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(6): 98-106
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