International journal of


EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN:2313-626X

Frequency: 12

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 Volume 5, Issue 2 (February 2018), Pages: 14-18


 Original Research Paper

 Title: Temperature and wind impacts on sag and tension of AAAC overhead transmission line

 Author(s): Babar Noor *, M. Zulqarnain Abbasi, Shahryar Shafique Qureshi, Sanaullah Ahmed


 Department of Electrical Engineering, IQRA National University, Peshawar, Pakistan

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The transportation of electricity from the point of generation to the consumer premises is termed as a power system. Power system comprises of three entities, power generation, transmission and distribution. Among these entities, the inefficiency in transmission part contributed to most of the losses. These losses depend on the resistance, inductance and capacitance, which are termed as the constants of a transmission line. The performance of transmission lines mostly depends on these constants i.e., if the height of transmission line from ground is less, then its capacitance effect will be more and its performance will be degraded. On the contrary, if the height of line is high, its capacitance will be low but its tension will be high. Therefore, a transmission lines are connect in a curve like shape or catenary and is termed as sag. Sag must be providing in transmission line to minimize tension. Sag and tension should be adjusted within the safe limits. This research work presents a simulation setup to calculate sag and tension of AAAC (All Aluminum Alloy Conductor) overhead transmission line for multiple spans with impact of different weather conditions. Four different cases of temperature and wind are used and explained in detail for equal level spans. The simulations were carried out in ETAP software and the results showed that with the rise of temperature the weight of conductor increases, which increases the sag. Secondly, with the increase in sag, the tension of the conductor decreases in the AAAC. 

 © 2017 The Authors. Published by IASE.

 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

 Keywords: AAAC, Span, Sag, Tension, Transmission line

 Article History: Received 14 September 2017, Received in revised form 20 November 2017, Accepted 5 December 2017

 Digital Object Identifier:


 Noor B, Abbasi MZ, Qureshi SS, and Ahmed S (2018). Temperature and wind impacts on sag and tension of AAAC overhead transmission line. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(2): 14-18

 Permanent Link:


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