Volume 5, Issue 2 (February 2018), Pages: 127-135

Original Research Paper
Title: Impact of green marketing mix on purchase intention
Author(s): Thoria Omer Mahmoud *
Department of Management, College of Economics and Business, Administration University of Kassala, Kassala, Sudan
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Green marketing concept emerged as a result of organizations' interest in environment. These originations realized that their survival and continuity lies in the coordination between its interest and the benefits of consumer and society. Green marketing includes a broad range of activities such as product modification, change in the production process, modification in advertising, and change in packaging. This paper aims to at investigating the influence of applying green marketing mix elements (product, pricing, distribution and promotion) in Sudan on purchase intention, The design of this research is descriptive and quantitative in nature. The target population for the study is the postgraduate (MBA) listing all universities in Khartoum state that offered graduate level courses were used as the sampling frame. A total of 417 questionnaires were distributed and 341 questionnaires were returned. Statistical analysis revealed that there is significant relationship between green marketing mix elements and consumer’s purchase intention. Future research can investigate relationships identified in this work, as well as test out mediating and moderating relationships. This study will provide better information as input to government policy makers, who responsible for business development, to encourage the manufacturing farm’s use of green marketing to benefit key stakeholder interests.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by IASE.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Green marketing mix, Purchase intention, Theory of planned behavior
Article History: Received 10 May 2017, Received in revised form 10 December 2017, Accepted 20 December 2017
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Mahmoud TO (2018). Impact of green marketing mix on purchase intention. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(2): 127-135
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