Volume 5, Issue 10 (October 2018), Pages: 67-75

Original Research Paper
Title: Correlation and genetic component studies for peduncle length affecting grain yield in wheat
Author(s): Muhammad Umer Farooq 1, Asim Ali Cheema 2, Iqra Ishaaq 3, Jianqing Zhu 1, *
1Crop Genetics and Breeding, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, China
2Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Canada
3Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Pakistan
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The main emphasis of wheat breeders is to strive for genetically more stable, high yielding varieties than the pre-released ones to sustain the yield. Yield improvement efforts should be made while considering all contributing factors that can improve it. The role of peduncle length influencing yield and other supporting features are barely taken into consideration, and still not fully elucidated. Understanding and utilization of plant natural response will help to develop genetically and morphologically more adaptable genotypes for ever-increasing feed demand. The present research was conducted to assess the nature of gene action controlling inheritance of these traits coupled with manipulating role for yield traits. In this regard, 27 F1 hybrids were developed by crossing 9 female and 3 male parents using Line × Tester (L×T) mating design and evaluated for yield and its related traits. The analysis of variance for combining ability pointed out the presence of broad genetic variation in material with highly heritable nature. Correlation studies portrayed strong phenotypic and genotypic association between peduncle length, plant height, flag leaf area, spike length and grain weight/plant. Strong association of peduncle length with other yield contributing traits may be utilized as an indirect selection criterion for yield improvement. Hence, short stature and high yielding varieties can be developed by controlling the favourable genes for peduncle length. All yield related traits except peduncle length, spike length, and flag leaf area were controlled by dominant genes. Selection in the later generations for peduncle length may indirectly improve yield.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by IASE.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Gene action, Line × tester analysis, Peduncle length, Metric yield traits, Correlations
Article History: Received 3 May 2018, Received in revised form 11 August 2018, Accepted 14 August 2018
Digital Object Identifier:
Farooq MU, Cheema AA, and Ishaaq I et al. (2018). Correlation and genetic component studies for peduncle length affecting grain yield in wheat. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(10): 67-75
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